This tale is the rest of the story from Tale of a Schnauzer, which depicts the life and death of a valiant white schnauzer named Pup. However, another white schnauzer named Scooby remained. Last Dog Standing details the ways that Scooby deals with the death of his fellow schnauzer, his adventures soon after how they led to Scooby teaching us all about life. Last Dog Standing describes the evolution of our remaining schnauzer know as Scooby Doo, after the death of his fellow schnauzer, Pup. The Tale of a Schnauzer described the life and death of Pup, the magic schnauzer, and now this story further details what happened soon after. Scooby Doo had to deal with his medical problems and emerged soon after Pup's death with more strength, vitality and confidence. The triumphs and struggles of these two white schnauzers have truly helped us all to better understand the process of dying and the meaning of life.