What are your office hours?
The office is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. Please call the office number 941.922.2662 for an appointment if you would like to meet. Our office address is: 715 N. Washington Blvd., Suite B, Sarasota, Florida 34236.
When can I expect a return call or e-mail?
We strive to return all correspondence within 24 hours.
Do I always need to schedule an appointment to have a meeting with you?
Yes, please.
What format does my book need to be in for it to be published?
Electronic format in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Works. Or, we can provide typing services for your
manuscript. Also include your Bio, Dedication and Acknowledgements pages in a word document and
on a CD as well. Please include a picture of yourself either in a JPEG or an original photo for us to scan.
It should also be in 300 DPI.
How long will it take to publish my book from the date of signing the agreement?
The process of publishing your book takes approximately eight to ten weeks. If the book requires custom
illustrations, the process takes approximately three months to complete.
If I need an illustrator for my book can the press recommend one?
The publisher will recommend two or three illustrators for you to choose from.
Who will edit my book?
The publisher will choose a professional editor who is best suited for your writing style and
your book topic.
Do I contact the editor of my book with comments or questions?
The publisher is the contact for any questions that you may have regarding editing and is the
acting liaison.
Who do I contact about the editing and illustrations?
Julie Ann Bakker : 941.922.2662.
Who do I contact about the layout, graphic design and cover of my book?
Julie Ann Bakker : 941.922.2662
Who do I contact about the local marketing of my book?
Peppertree will be happy to recommend a professional publicist for your book.
When can I schedule events and signings?
Only after you have received your finished book.
Who do I contact for book ordering, general information or making an office appointment?
Teri Lynn Franco: 941-922-2662 or email teripeppertreepublishing@gmail.com
What else do you need from me along with the electronic transcript?
We also need your bio, a photo of you, and any other supplemental materials.
How will my book be marketed and distributed?
We distribute through Ingram, Baker and Taylor and Bertram’s in Europe. This process includes bookstores, online retailers, and e-book retailers and libraries. We continue working on becoming vendors in bookstores. All of our books are available online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million, ThePeppertree Press and more. Most importantly distributed through each authors own efforts.
Peppertree Promotions (For an additional fee) We offer a custom design for business cards, flyers, postcards, bookmarks and posters.
If you are interested in national marketing The Press can refer you to a local publicist.
How are my sales tracked and who pays me my royalties?
The Peppertree Press receives the royalty disbursement checks from our distributor 90 days after the
month of the sale. Therefore, we forward each authors’ royalty check quarterly. Our distributor informs us
as to the number sold, but not where they were sold.
Will I receive a bound book to review before final printing?
Yes, you will receive a bound copy for your review. At this time there is an additional fee if you make any
changes to the book. The signed book will be kept at The Peppertree Press office, or you can choose to
purchase it if you would like.
What is the minimum amount of books to order?
30 books.
What is the process for ordering my book after it is published?
Please call the office for the pricing, as we require a check in hand before placing a book order. Your
books can be shipped to a location of your choice and delivery usually takes 7-10 business days from the
date that the order is placed.
Will I own the copyright to my book?
Can you convert my book into an e-book?
Yes, after it has been published in book form.
Can I contact you through e-mail?
Yes, here are our e-mail addresses:
Julie Ann Bakker: peppertreepublishing@yahoo.com
Teri Lynn Franco: teripeppertreepublishing@gmail.com
Peppertree Press Website: www.peppertreepublishing.com