Flip, Creating Wealth on Your Spiritual Journey

"This book will show you the fascinating connection between spirituality and money. There's never been a better time to be your own boss. Richard will show you how You'll love it!" ~Deepak Chopra Flip will give you the guidance you need to move from financial instability to the freedom that entrepreneurship offers. Yes, you'll have to work hard to succeed...but plenty of people work hard and have nothing to show for it, because they didn't grasp the spiritual foundation of financial success. You have in your hands the clear, specific direction that will free you from dependence on others to self-reliance on spirit for building a business...and building wealth. If you never believed that business could be spiritual...about serving others...and fun, it's time to FLIP your thinking. Let Richard Rogg show you a new way to think, to act, and to succeed. Proceeds from the book will be donated to the Promises Foundation www.flipsolution.com

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