
Each notion which comes from a place unseen, the place which carries the resonance of the Not-yet-Formed is of the Divine. Listen, and Follow. This is the switch to the unknowable. It is my intention that the energy behind these words will tap your Mind and Soul in order that you can fully realize your individual passions and potential knowing that assistance from the unseen realms is always available. The Portals are here to shift the common to the Amazing, simply by knowing it is possible. In the seeking, in the trusting, the Universe responds and unlocks the higher levels of your Being. It is a dynamic and symbiotic process where your thoughts and actions magnetize the just-right energy potential into your physical field and reality—producing Miracles. The Quantum Field responds to every whim and fear. It is time right now to validate, appreciate and utilize the higher levels of your beingness to fuel the process of the ever-evolving soul. Portals are everywhere. It is my hope that you travel thru. It has been my greatest privilege to commune with the Beings in other dimensions. I am ever-so appreciative as these interactions have shaped and expanded the boundaries of my programmed beliefs. I am truly amazed by these poems as the writings came through a Portal, thru the pen and onto the paper. The words floated in and arranged themselves. I am a Scribe and I love this job. Email: rideinfinity@yahoo.com

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